Podcast: Hello Haus on Pizza & Property

Property & Pizza recently had Scott Aggett from Hello Haus on the podcast discussing how to negotiate and win property deals.

"Scott Aggett is fast becoming the go to guy for Australian real estate negotiations, this is a man who has put together deals on both sides of the buyer and seller fence for over 2 decades!

This episode we unpack Scott's 20+ years experience and package as much of it as we could fit into 1 episode that you are going to want to listen to again and again to help increase the odds of securing the best deal on your next purchase.

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We talk about with Scott:

  • One simple email strategy that sounds too simple to work but can get amazing results for off market deals
  • What is the important data you should be gathering to help support your negotiation?
  • Word play you can use against an agent "

Check out the full podcast here.
